Printed Book
Ethnologia Scandinavica, no. 45
Ethnologia Scandinavica utkommer med ett nummer per år. Den innehåller artiklar om nordisk etnologisk forskning. Där finns även en omfattande recensionsavdelning. Artiklarna är huvudsakligen avfattade på engelska, men även tyska förekommer.Innehåll
Jönsson, Lars-Eric: Editorial.
Åström, Anna-Maria: The Northern Esplanade of Helsinki and the Bolshaya Konyushennaya of St Petersburg. An Analysis of Street Life in Two Central Historical Streets.
Larsen, Hanne Pico & Österlund-Pötzsch, Suzanne: Islands in the Sun. Storytelling, Place & Terroir in Food Production on Nordic Islands.
Lillbroända-Annala, Sanna: Doing Neighbourhood. Everyday Life Experiences and Participation Planning.
Sehlin MacNeil, Kristina: Shafted. A Case of Cultural and Structural Violence in the Power Relations between a Sami Community and a Mining Company in Northern Sweden.
O’Dell, Tom & Willim, Robert: Rendering Culture and Multi-Targeted Ethnography..
Ojanen, Karolina: "This kind of of an Old Man and a Young Pretty Girl Like You". Understanding Ethnographic Fieldwork through Reflexivity.
Andersen, Michael: This "Other" Brain of Mine.
Lindelöf, Karin: Lady Långdistans, Ladylufsen and Kvinnor Kan. Ethnological Perspectives on the Rise of Women.Only Sports Races in Sweden.
Lindtner, Synnøve: Instead of Burning those Magazines, Maybe We Should Bring Them Home and Discuss Them with Our Husbands?". The Feminist Magazine Sirene's Critiques of the Politics of the Norwegian Organized Women's Movement.