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Ethnologia Scandinavica, nr 33
Ethnologia Scandinavica utkommer med ett nummer per år. Den innehåller artiklar om nordisk etnologisk forskning. Där finns även en omfattande recensionsavdelning. Artiklarna är huvudsakligen avfattade på engelska, men även tyska förekommer.Innehåll
Frykman, Jonas: Editorial.
Stoklund, Bjarne: Ethnology and Vernacular Architecture. Revisiting a Classical Field of Study.
Willim, Robert: Tools for the Electronic Frontier. Artefacts and Associations in IT Business.
Brembeck, Helene: Happiness in a Box. The Magic of Packaging at McDonald’s.
Sipilä, Petri: Second Skins. Function, Sensuality and the Gender Distinction in Technical Sportswear.
Planke, Terje: Wax: Object and Intention.
Grimstad Klepp, Ingun: Clothes and Cleanliness. Why We Still Spend As Much Time on Laundry.
Pimiä, Tenho: Ethnologists on the Warpath. Finno-Ugric Research and the Finno-Ugric Collections During the Period 1941-1944.
Mordhorst, Camilla: Medical Use and Material Mailers. Rhinoceros Horn as a Museum Object.
Bringéus, Nils-Arvid: Wine, Women, and Song. An Analysis of a Newly Found Painted Wall Hanging.