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Ethnologia Scandinavica, nr 40
Ethnologia Scandinavica utkommer med ett nummer per år. Den innehåller artiklar om nordisk etnologisk forskning. Där finns även en omfattande recensionsavdelning. Artiklarna är huvudsakligen avfattade på engelska, men även tyska förekommer.Innehåll
Folke Henningsen, Anne: De/stabilisingOtherness. Acts of Subversion, Transgression and Appropriation in Live Ethnographic Exhibitions.
Aasgaard Jansen, Karine: Defending the Body.
Liliequist, Marianne: Elderly Sami – Symbols of Sami Identity? The Role of the Elderly in the Sami Community.
Alftberg, Åsa: The Practice of Ageing. The Experience of Beeing Old and the Significance of Bodies, Things and Places.
Vacher, Mark: Looking at Houses, Searching for Homes. An Anthropological Analysis of the Relationship between Danish Homeowners and Their Houses.
Danielsen, Hilde: Diversity and the Concept of Place. Inclusion and Exclusion Mechanisms among Norwegian City-dwelling Parents.
Grimstad Klepp, Ingun & Laitala, Kirsti: Standardisation and Consumer Responsibility.
Tellström, Richard: The Conception of the Swedish National Day Meal. Building a National Identity on a Blend of Existing Festive Food Elements.
Stoklund, Bjarne: Holger Rasmussen 1915–2009.